Rolls Royce Apparition Concept Car

Its just a concept, just a concept though and will only ever remain as one. It’s called the Rolls-Royce Apparition Concep.This concept is Made by Jeremy Westerlund while he was studying art, and his aim was to design something similar to how they did it in the old days; driver up front, exposed outside, while the passengers are cooped inside at the back – like a horse and carriage type arrangement.Nonetheless, it certainly captures the imagination rite konow but in fature............Jeremy Westerlund recently summed up the concept, saying that it’s:
“An ultra luxurious chauffeur driven limousine evoking the glamor and sophistication of chauffeur driven cars in the past that has since been lost.
“This vehicle is about being seen, but at the same time being invisible or an “Apparition” in the sense that you’re safely tucked away in its palatial and private interior.”

i wont get any  video if any one find the real/animation Rolls Royce Apparition Concept Car please give me the link.thanks in advance

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