The World's Largest Ocean Canyon

Zhemchug Canyon is a giant underwater canyon located in the middle of the Bering Sea. This submarine canyon is the largest canyon in the ocean. The canyon has a vertical relief of 2600 metres dropping from the shallow shelf the Bering Sea to the depths of the Aleutian Basin. Zhemchug Canyon is deeper than the Grand Canyon. Zhemchug Canyon has two main branches, each larger than typical continental margin canyons such as the Monterey Canyon.

What makes the Zhemchug Canyon the largest canyon in the world is not only its great depth, but its large cross-sectional area.Zhemchug Canyon is the largest submarine canyon in the world, based on drainage area (11,350 km2) and volume (5800 km3).

Zhemchug Canyon is in the Bering Sea and is the largest canyon in the ocean it has a vertical drop over 2600 metres.

The World's Largest Ocean Canyon - Richard Hammond's Journey to the Bottom of the Ocean - BBC One


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