Origami Moon and Star | Paper Art | HDsheet

Origami moon and star
Crescent moon and star with paper 

Crescent Moon and star with one paper sheet with out any cutting or glue, Just a paper folding will make easy moon & star craft. Its step by step instruction on how to make 3D curved shaped moon and star with sheet.

Easy Origami Paper Art videos 

Difficulty Level : Medium

Moon and star are symbol of Islam, even crescent moon is placed on almost all the mosque ( A place for worship for Muslims ). THe flags of Algeria, Azerbaijan, Libya, Maldives, Malaysia, Mauritania, Pakistan,Tunisia and Turkey have moon and start.

Use : Eid, Islamic event decoration, Flag with paper, kid art project, Origami for kids, Flag craft, start and moon craft, paper folding class, Handmade, Homemade model and all other occasions where we need moon and star


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